Petwa News

Calor chegando e cores vibrando, para humanos e pets também!

Os tons sérios do inverno vão dando espaço para as cores vibrantes do verão!


Eu que sou mais clássica pego carona nessa estação e adoro brincar com tons mais vibrantes e combinações inusitadas pra reforçar o espírito solar que reina durante esse período..

E se pra mim o guarda-roupa deixa o criativo aflorar, para as minhas gatas não poderia ser diferente!




Muitas vezes a combinação mais óbvia, que naturalmente é elegante, pode se tornar mais autêntica e descontraída num estilo mix and match de cores e texturas.

Logo que criei a marca a intenção era muito clara: criar produtos eternos que fossem complementares e chiques nas suas misturas. E não estou falando apenas do couro com madeira ou a corda com o couro, mas da mistura das cores que trouxemos na coleção, onde todas conseguem transitar umas às outras sem deixar a sofisticação de lado.

E porque diante de tantas opções nos restrigimos às combinações tradicionais? Da mesma forma que você, seu animal merece ousar no estilo e ser a sua dupla mais icônica ever.

Para o verão 2023 algumas tendências cromáticas são diretamente relacionadas ao mood da vez. Bora descobrir qual o que traduz melhor o lifestyle do seu pet?


MOOD 70’s

Paletas de cores calmas e positivas nos dão escapismo e otimismo muito necessários, além de criar uma sensação de nostalgia feliz por uma época mais simples, seus tons terrosos criam uma sensação de conforto e familiaridade.

Par perfeito: quieto, mais calmo que vivem para propagar a paz e amor.


Aqui a cor vibrante é o osso da vez. Na sua tradução mais literal, extático significa maravilhado e é exatamente isso que define o impacto que alguém que escolhe esse mood quer causar. Através das cores o recado que fica é de positividade, vibração, espírito jovem e criativo de quem sempre vai ver a vida bem colorida

Par perfeito: O animadão. Perfil agitado e muito brincalhão, uma eterna criança


A beleza da paleta de cores quentes do mediterrâneo transita em tons de vermelho empoeirado, rosa e tons de cinza. É aquela combinação chique que nunca erra! Eternamente um clássico pra quem acha que a tendência é pura elegância. As cores de tons de terra discretos são inspiradas na natureza e no ar livre. 

Par perfeito: O observador e elegante que preza pelo seu sossego sem muitas distrações


386 thoughts on "Calor chegando e cores vibrando, para humanos e pets também!"

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    Need help ??
    How to create your first post.
    Yours faithfully.

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    It is about advertisement on your website.

  7. Viktoriowh disse:

    Can I contact admin??
    I’ts important.

  8. Viktorieuz disse:

    Where is admin?
    It is important.

  9. Margaretvep disse:

    Где находится модератор?
    Это имеет значение.
    С уважением к вам.

  10. Viktorizqd disse:

    Help is needed?
    I cannot create the first message.
    Thank you.

  11. Margaretnrg disse:

    Где находится менеджер?
    Относится к рекламе на вашем интернет-сайте.
    С уважением к вам.

  12. Viktorixic disse:

    Are there any of the moderators?
    How to create your first post.
    Thank you.

  13. Viktoriowh disse:

    Please tell me?
    I can’t write to the topic.
    Thank you.

  14. Margaretaag disse:

    Где находится модератор?
    Это важный вопрос.
    Благодарю вас.

  15. Margaretwik disse:

    Где находится модератор?
    Относится к рекламе на вашем интернет-сайте.
    С уважением к вам.

  16. Viktorieuz disse:

    Are there any of the moderators?
    I cannot create the first message.
    Yours faithfully.

  17. Ilushikjpf disse:

    Могу я связаться с администрацией?
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

  18. Viktorizqd disse:

    Please tell me how to answer an existing topic?
    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
    Need your help.
    Yours faithfully.

  19. Margaretvep disse:

    Need help ??
    I cannot create the first message.
    Thank you.

    Прошу подсказать?
    Как создать свое первое сообщение.

  20. Viktorixic disse:

    Is there any of the moderators, because I can not answer a new topic?
    Maybe I’m not writing correctly?
    Please help.
    Thank you.

  21. Ilushiknba disse:

    Могу я связаться с администрацией?
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

  22. Margaretnrg disse:

    Please tell me?
    I cannot create the first message.
    Yours faithfully.

    Кто то может помочь ??
    Не могу создать первое сообщение.
    С уважением.

  23. Ilushikxqt disse:

    Где админ?
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

  24. Margaretaag disse:

    Are there any of the moderators?
    I cannot create the first message.
    Yours faithfully.

    Кто то может помочь ??
    Не могу создать первое сообщение.

  25. Viktoriowh disse:

    Is there any of the moderators, because I can not answer a new topic?
    What am I doing wrong?
    Please help.
    Yours faithfully.

  26. Ilushikyas disse:

    Где модератор ??
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

  27. Margaretwik disse:

    Need help ??
    I cannot create the first message.
    Thank you.

    Есть кто из модераторов?
    Не могу написать в топик.

  28. Viktorieuz disse:

    How to reply to a topic?
    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
    Please tell me.
    Yours faithfully.

  29. Ilushikjpf disse:

    Есть кто из модераторов?
    Как создать свое первое сообщение.
    С уважением.

  30. Margaretvep disse:

    Can’t answer an existing topic, what should I do ??
    What am I doing wrong?
    Please help.
    Thank you.

    Кто то может помочь, как ответить в новую тему ??
    Что я делаю не так?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.

  31. Viktorizqd disse:

    Can’t change my password ??
    Can I create a new username and password?
    Please tell me.
    Yours faithfully.

  32. Ilushiknba disse:

    Прошу подсказать?
    Не могу написать в топик.

  33. Margaretnrg disse:

    Can someone help how to answer a new topic ??
    Maybe I’m not writing correctly?
    Need your help.
    Yours faithfully.

    Кто то может помочь, как ответить в новую тему ??
    Что я делаю не так?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.

  34. Viktorixic disse:

    Can you tell me how can I change my password?
    What am I doing wrong?
    Please help.
    Yours faithfully.

  35. Ilushikxqt disse:

    Есть кто из модераторов?
    Как создать свое первое сообщение.

  36. Margaretaag disse:

    Please tell me how to answer an existing topic?
    Maybe I’m not writing correctly?
    Please help.
    Thank you.

    Есть кто из модераторов, так как не могу ответить в новую тему?
    Может я не правильно пишу?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.
    С уважением.

  37. Viktoriowh disse:

    Can’t change my password ??
    Can I create a new username and password?
    Please tell me.
    Yours faithfully.

  38. Ilushikyas disse:

    Прошу помощи ??
    Не могу написать в топик.
    С уважением.

  39. Margaretwik disse:

    Can someone help how to answer a new topic ??
    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
    Need your help.
    Yours faithfully.

    Не могу ответить в существующую тему, что делать ??
    Может я не правильно пишу?
    Прошу подсказать.

  40. Viktorieuz disse:

    Can’t change my password ??
    Can I create a new username and password?
    Please help.
    Thank you.

  41. Vikinwb disse:

    Могу я связаться с администрацией?
    Это очень важно.
    С уважением.

  42. Vikirif disse:

    Могу я связаться с администрацией?
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

  43. Vikippd disse:

    Могу я связаться с админом ??
    Это важно.
    С уважением.

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  45. Margaretvep disse:

    How do I change my password?
    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
    Please help.
    Yours faithfully.

    Прошу подсказать, как мне изменить пароль?
    Может я делаю что то не так?
    Прошу помочь.
    С уважением.

  46. Viktorizqd disse:

    удалите пожалуйста[url=].[/url]

  47. Viktorixic disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  48. Margaretnrg disse:

    Can you tell me how can I change my password?
    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
    Please help.
    Yours faithfully.

    Кто то может ответить, как изменить пароль ??
    Что я делаю не так?
    Прошу подсказать.
    С уважением.

  49. Margaretaag disse:

    How do I change my password?
    Can I create a new username and password?
    Please tell me.
    Thank you.

    Кто то может ответить, как изменить пароль ??
    Может мне создать новый логин и пароль?
    Прошу помочь.
    С уважением.

  50. Viktoriowh disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  51. Margaretwik disse:

    Can you tell me how can I change my password?
    What am I doing wrong?
    Please tell me.
    Yours faithfully.

    Кто то может ответить, как изменить пароль ??
    Может я делаю что то не так?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.

  52. Viktorieuz disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  53. Ilushikjpf disse:

    Кто то может помочь, как ответить в новую тему ??
    Может я делаю что то не так?
    Прошу помочь.

  54. Vikinwb disse:

    Есть кто из модераторов?
    Не могу создать первое сообщение.
    С уважением.

  55. Margaretvep disse:

    удалите пожалуйста[url=].[/url]

  56. Margaretnrg disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  57. Margaretaag disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  58. Margaretwik disse:

    del plz[url=].[/url]

  59. Ilushikjpf disse:

    Есть кто из модераторов, нужна ваша помощь в изменении моего пароля?
    Что я делаю не так?
    Прошу подсказать.

  60. Vikinwb disse:

    Кто то может помочь, как ответить в новую тему ??
    Может я делаю что то не так?
    Прошу подсказать.

  61. Ilushiknba disse:

    Есть кто из модераторов, нужна ваша помощь в изменении моего пароля?
    Что я делаю не так?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.
    С уважением.

  62. Vikirif disse:

    Прошу подсказать, как ответить в существующую тему?
    Что я делаю не так?
    Нужна Ваша помощь.

  63. Vikinwb disse:

    удалите пожалуйста[url=].[/url]

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  105. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of economical items, where you can achieve potential well-being and self-assurance. We provide ready-made alternatives for all of your monetary needs, including income organizing, purchases, credit cards, and mortgages. You can manage your money more easily and conveniently by using one of the many items in our library that have a variety of situations and advantages. Utilizing the top economical items available on the market will help you expand economically with us and realize your desired aims.

  106. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our practical collection of economical goods, where you can achieve forthcoming health and assurance. We provide ready-made remedies for all of your monetary needs, including purchases, payment cards, and foreclosures. You can manage your finances more easily and conveniently by using one of the many materials in our catalog that are available in a variety of circumstances and advantages. Utilizing the top monetary items available on the market will help you increase fiscally with us and realize your objectives.

  107. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of economical materials, where you can achieve potential health and assurance. We provide ready-made remedies for all of your monetary needs, including investment plotting, credit cards, and mortgages. You can manage your finances more easily and conveniently by using the items in our catalog, which are available in a variety of parameters and benefits. Utilizing the top economic merchandise available on the market will help you develop economically with us and realize your targets.

  108. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of monetary items, where you can achieve upcoming well-being and assurance. We provide ready-made options for all of your fiscal needs, including opportunities, breaks cards, and foreclosures. You can manage your finances more easily and conveniently by using the items in our catalog, which are available in a variety of problems and benefits. Utilizing the top monetary materials available on the market will help you develop fiscally with us and realize your desired aims.

  109. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of economic products, where you can achieve your future well-being and trust. We provide ready-made answers for all of your fiscal needs, including opportunities, breaks cards, and foreclosures. You can manage your money more easily and conveniently by using one of the many materials in our library that have a variety of problems and advantages. Utilizing the top fiscal merchandise available on the market will help you develop monetarily with us and realize your desired aims.

  110. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of fiscal products, where you can achieve your future well-being and trust. We provide ready-made alternatives for all of your fiscal needs, including investment plotting, credit cards, and mortgages. You can manage your finances more easily and conveniently by using one of the many items in our catalog that are available in a variety of problems and advantages. Utilizing the top economic items available on the market will help you increase economically with us and accomplish your desired aims.

  111. greggbustos6 disse:

    Welcome to our suitable collection of economical materials, where you can achieve forthcoming health and trust. We provide ready-made options for all of your monetary needs, including annuity preparing, expenditures, credit cards, and mortgages. You can manage your finances more easily and conveniently by using the goods in our catalog, which are available in a variety of parameters and benefits. Utilizing the top monetary merchandise available on the market will help you expand monetarily with us and realize your objectives.

  112. greggbustos6 disse:

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